The Mad Makers are an incredibly talented group of shop owners that focus on handmade items in a huge variety of disciplines.
They form an online community of artists, crafters, designers and photographers who are dedicated to creating successful handmade businesses.
Their network exists to accomplish two main objectives
- to help its members reach more people via the Mad Mad Me brand and network of online media
- to help its members develop their business and learn how to promote themselves.
The Mad Mad Makers are leading the way in the Handmade Revolution!
Members are dedicated to not only growing their own hand-crafted businesses, but to helping their fellow community members to grow theirs.
Each member is committed to the true principle of hand-crafting – meaning to fashion or make by hand (or chiefly by hand processes) rather than mass production. None of their goods is the product of any off-site manufacturer.
If this sounds like you, you can find out more about membership here.
If you are looking for unique gifts and creative inspiration, the Mad Makers won’t disappoint.
Below are a selection of members with links to each of their pages. You can read all about the Mad Makers here, browse their products and visit them all over the web:
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