Author Archives: Thomasina Cummings

About Thomasina Cummings

My name is Tammy, and I am the designer and publisher behind Thomasina Cummings Designs. I started writing crochet patterns in 2012, after being teased by my loved ones that I was getting old and might forget them ;) What started out as a way of preserving my ideas soon blossomed into the business you see today - one that fitted perfectly around my hectic family life. Each pattern takes around 2 months to create - from initial idea, to creation, through several stages of testing and eventual publication. I am extremely grateful to my testers who work hard to make sure everything is a clear and correct as possible, and to Sarah (Sweet Pea Photography) who so beautifully captures the photo props in use ♥ I do hope you find something you like.

Thomasina Cummings

February 2, 2012

My husband may cringe when he realises I’ve put this one up but no fancy dress parade is complete without at least one Rocky Horror picture.

Rocky Horror Fancy Dress


Thomasina Cummings

February 2, 2012

Another camp-out, another theme. Pirates this time. Come to think of it, I seem to spend a lot of time in a field wearing fancy dress!


Thomasina Cummings

February 2, 2012

Me as a vampire. Actually, not a Halloween outfit but a Christmas one.. I didn’t choose the theme of the party – honestly.


Thomasina Cummings

February 2, 2012

Cavemen – Those animal print wellies were just what the weather demanded :D

Thomasina Cummings

February 2, 2012

I guess you have to be over a certain age to remember Wizard.


Make up is always fun!

wizard make up

The Sculptor and his Living Statues

This has got to be one of my favourites.  The Sculptor and his Living Statues!

The white hair and face make up was an absolute nightmare to get off (and on for that matter) but I think the end result was worth all the hassle.

It’s a shame the photograph doesn’t show all the detail in the quilted wings….they were definitely my proudest bit. Oh, and the harp and horn are cardboard which was a challenge to say in the least.